Maritime Labour Complaints Resolution

The Liberian Administration is committed to ensuring that Seafarers who serve on Liberian registered ships have decent working and living conditions, a safe and secure workplace and fair employment.

Seafarers are encouraged to utilize the ship’s Onboard Complaint Procedures in order to resolve complaints at the lowest level possible in accordance with MLC 2006. However, in the event a complaint is unable to be resolved onboard, the Liberian Administration provides this online complaint form and will assist Seafarers with all true and valid complaints.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the required fields in this form and click on submit. The Administration will take the necessary steps to investigate the matter and ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to rectify any deficiencies. Please note that all information provided will be strictly treated as confidential.

Liberia's Maritime Labour Complaint Resolution Form
NOTE: * indicates a required field
1 Seafarer’s Book Number *
2 Vessel IMO Number *
3 Seafarer’s First Name *
4 Seafarer’s Last Name *
5 Seafarer’s Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *
6 Seafarer’s Contact Detailsplease enter the Seafarer’s contact details below so that the Administration can follow-up with your complaint
6a Seafarer’s Email Address *
6b Please re-enter Seafarer’s Email Address to confirm *
6c Seafarer’s Alternate Email Address
6d Seafarer’s Telephone Number *
6e Seafarer’s Address *
7 Please indicate the nature of the complaint by selecting one of the following options *
8 Date that onboard complaint was filed (mm/dd/yyyy)
NOTE: If onboard complaint procedures were not explored, please skip to Box 13.
9 Onboard complaint was filed at the following level(s) *
(*Select all that apply)
10 Brief summary of why the complaint was not resolved *
11 Was the complaint taken to the next level? *
12 If you selected "NO" for Box 11, please explain why complaints should not be taken to the next level *
13 If onboard complaint procedures were not used, provide a brief summary of why these procedures should not be exhausted first *
14 Does the complaint relate to any of the following matters? *
NOTE: Please select the area or areas to which the complaint most closely applies.
15 Brief summary of the complaint related to the area(s) selected in Box 14 *
16 Is this complaint being submitted by the Seafarer? *
NOTE: If you selected "NO", please complete the fields 17a-17g
17 Contact Details for Individual other than the Seafarerplease enter your contact details below so that the Administration can follow-up with your complaint regarding the Seafarer
17a First Name *
17b Last Name *
17c Email Address *
17d Please re-enter your Email Address to confirm *
17e Telephone Number *
17f Address *
17g Relationship to the Seafarer(s) *
18 Upload supporting documents which will further assist the Administration with handling your complaint
NOTE: The file size for each uploaded document should not exceed 2MB.




Please review the complaint form to ensure that all of the required fields are entered correctly. In the event that a field is incomplete, you will not be able to "submit" the form until the required information is provided.